Though not as bad as 2016, 2017 wasn’t without its challenges. Here’s a look at some books highlighting the topics behind some of the year’s biggest news stories.
internationalдобави книга на лавицата2017: In Booksпреди 7 години
How did Trump get in? What caused Brexit? This book looks at the anti-liberal backlash we've seen in recent months.
internationalдобави книга на лавицата2017: In Booksпреди 7 години
You've seen his tweets, his actions, and his awkward and abrupt manners. But he did manage to officially become President of the USA: so the man can't be a COMPLETE idiot... can he? Read this and judge for yourself.
internationalдобави книга на лавицата2017: In Booksпреди 7 години
After nearly 40 years at the helm of Zimbabwe, the 93 year old dictator finally got ousted last year. And this fictional account of a white psychiatrist treating Mugabe during a bout of depression makes for fascinating reading.
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There's a new Royal in town! As attention turns to his upcoming nuptials in 2018, we bring you this intriguing account of Prince Harry's time in Afgahnistan.
internationalдобави книга на лавицата2017: In Booksпреди 7 години
Is the Kim dynasty really prepared to risk it all? Just how advanced is the nation's nuclear arsenal? This book looks at the known facts behind the headlines.