Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions. —Edgar Cayce
zuzuhasanli97цитирапреди 8 години
Hell is other people.
Natalie Haleцитирапреди 11 години
Compete with yourself, not with others.
Varvara Sukhinaцитирапреди 6 години
My dad takes me to Wal-Mart, where I ask a sales associate if they have “the Ren and Stimpy dolls that flatulate.” This is evidence that I possess both a large vocabulary and a slightly twisted sense of humor.
Unknown Unknownцитирапреди 7 години
It took years of living with dirty fingernails from digging through vintage, a few painful burns from steaming clothes, and many an aged Kleenex hiding in a coat pocket to get here.
b3051898188цитирапреди 7 години
I have a lot of time to kill, so I dick around on the Internet and open up an eBay shop called Nasty Gal Vintage.
Nataly Laktionovaцитирапреди 7 години
Once it’s in there, forget about it. You never saw it anyway. It’s an emergency fund only (and vacations are not emergencies).
Araily Omarovaцитирапреди 7 години
When you accept yourself, it’s surprising how much other people will accept you, too.
Марияцитирапреди 7 години
Life is short. Don’t be lazy.
Leyla Hasanovaцитирапреди 8 години
I never dreamed about success. I worked for it. —Estée Lauder