‘Why do people do this?’ ‘Blog, you mean? I don’t know… didn’t someone once say the unexamined life isn’t worth living?’ ‘Yeah, Plato,’ said Strike, ‘but this isn’t examining a life, it’s exhibiting it.’
Natalia Sedovaцитирапреди 6 години
through thick and thin
asasiprцитирапреди 6 години
Twenty-six years of empty evenings, you could have written plenty of books by now, with your first from Oxford… but what would you write about? You haven’t exactly lived a full life, have you?’
asasiprцитирапреди 6 години
the safest way of ensuring that secret information did not leak was not to tell anybody about it
asasiprцитирапреди 6 години
Why did she have to have been presented with such a choice, today of all days?
asasiprцитирапреди 6 години
‘She couldn’t understand a vocation. Some people can’t; at best, work’s about status and pay cheques for them, it hasn’t got value in itself.’
asasiprцитирапреди 6 години
… as an earnest of friendship and confidence, I’ll acquaint you with a design that I have. To tell truth, and speak openly one to another…
William Congreve, Love for Love
asasiprцитирапреди 6 години
Everything was pared down to the essential when you were in this degree of pain.
asasiprцитирапреди 6 години
Running away was her life’s blood and he had been her favourite destination, freedom and safety combined
asasiprцитирапреди 6 години
for it had always been understood that he should stand rock-like, to be left and returned to, never flinching, never giving up