Phoenix shook her head. “I did. A really incredible man. But I blew it.” Twice.
vian23цитирапреди 6 години
The woman shrugged but her dark eyes shone. “It’s all worth it when you find the one you want to be with for the rest of your life. Sometimes we have to take the duty along with the desire.”
vian23цитирапреди 6 години
Destiny has a way of making sure everything works out for the best.”
vian23цитирапреди 6 години
Fight for what you want.
vian23цитирапреди 6 години
No matter how much you loved someone, no matter how much faith you had in them, still they let you down. Still they left you alone.
vian23цитирапреди 6 години
Your courage is bigger than your fear, he’d said.
vian23цитирапреди 6 години
This strange feeling overpowering her … this was how it felt to care, to care so deeply that you would do anything for the one you loved. Even take on any responsibility, any duty, just to be with them, to see them happy.
vian23цитирапреди 6 години
The real reason she’d pushed him away was because she’d been scared. Not of being trapped, or of losing her freedom. She’d been terrified of remembering how much she needed him. Of loving him so much that she couldn’t live without him.
vian23цитирапреди 6 години
And she’d kept on hurting him, digging the knife in deeper, pushing him away every time he got too close.