Leah once said that she’d rather have people call her fat directly than have to sit there and listen to them talking shit about some other girl’s weight. I actually think I agree with that. Nothing is worse than the secret humiliation of being insulted by proxy.
Anindya Kцитирапреди 8 години
He talked about the ocean between people. And how the whole point of everything is to find a shore worth swimming to.
Diana Catцитирапреди 9 години
“I like no endings,” I say. “I like things that don’t end.”
Diana Catцитирапреди 9 години
White shouldn’t be the default any more than straight should be the default. There shouldn’t even be a default.
Diana Catцитирапреди 9 години
music is always better than no music.
Anindya Kцитирапреди 8 години
“But probably a love story, right? Something Simonish, with a happy ending.” “Why does no one ever believe I’m a cynic?”
Diana Catцитирапреди 9 години
I think you’re cute and grammatical
Эсфирь Пиевскаяцитирапреди 5 години
people really are like houses with vast rooms and tiny windows. And maybe it’s a good thing, the way we never stop surprising each other
Эсфирь Пиевскаяцитирапреди 5 години
I’m not sure if Bram knows that handing me his iPod is like handing me the window to his soul
Эсфирь Пиевскаяцитирапреди 5 години
guess I’m getting a little fucking tired of this. I’m trying not to let it touch me. I shouldn’t care if stupid people call me a stupid word, and I shouldn’t care what people think of me. But I always care