She was the original of the photograph which had so mysteriously disappeared.
Nikita Kr.цитирапреди 6 години
I’m at the Anglers’ Arms,
Nikita Kr.цитирапреди 6 години
The Grange was, he knew, on the other side of the village from Merroway Court,
Nikita Kr.цитирапреди 6 години
She would have been surprised if it had. She would not have recognized Bobby herself had she met him casually
Nikita Kr.цитирапреди 6 години
All unsuspecting, Mrs. Roberts had given his new address.
Nikita Kr.цитирапреди 6 години
Mrs. Roberts describes him as a tall, stooping gentleman with pince-nez.
Nikita Kr.цитирапреди 6 години
I think I’ve identified the corpse!!!
Nikita Kr.цитирапреди 6 години
he has a dark-blue Talbot saloon, he was away from home on the 16th when your beer was doctored, and he takes altogether too detailed an interest in the circumstances of my accident.
Nikita Kr.цитирапреди 6 години
He hated staying quietly in London and doing nothing.