5 days–1 month VEGETABLES 2–5 months PAPER 6 months COTTON T-SHIRT 1–5 years WOOL SOCKS 25–40 years LEATHER SHOES 30–40 years NYLON FABRIC 50–100 years TIN CANS 80–100 years ALUMINIUM CANS 500 years to forever STYROFOAM CUP 500 years to forever PLASTIC BAGS 1 million years GLASS BOTTLES ENOUGH PLASTIC ENTERS LANDFILL EACH YEAR TO CIRCLE THE WORLD FOUR TIMES.
b0102778149цитирапреди 4 години
In 2016 around 335 million tonnes of plastic were produced worldwide; equivalent to the weight of two million blue whales.
Verner Starup Westenseeцитирапреди 5 години
brown sugar and add cinnamon for a festive scrub, or you could add peppermint extract for a refreshing morning wake-up.
Verner Starup Westenseeцитирапреди 5 години
Coconut oil (you can also use castor oil or almond oil) and sugar are the essential ingredients and you can build your scrub from
Verner Starup Westenseeцитирапреди 5 години
Warm a small amount with your hands until liquid, apply to your skin, let sit for a few minutes and then wipe off your make-up with a flannel.
Verner Starup Westenseeцитирапреди 5 години
An alternative to toothpaste tubes is toothpaste tabs.
Verner Starup Westenseeцитирапреди 5 години
Beware if you are vegetarian, vegan or prefer to avoid animal products as these bristles are often pig hair, a by-product of meat production