Freud emphasizes that the infantile experiences must have occurred before the eighth year of life for hysteria to develop
Polina Girginovaцитирапреди 5 години
repressed memories” are infantile sexual experiences which, ineffective in themselves, can “exercise a pathogenie influence only later when they are roused after puberty in the form of unconscious memories
Polina Girginovaцитирапреди 5 години
The hypnoid state contains the repressed memories
Polina Girginovaцитирапреди 5 години
In the earlier paper Freud pointed out that hysteria develops on the basis of a splitting of consciousness into a hypnoid consciousness and a normal consciousness
Polina Girginovaцитирапреди 5 години
We can agree that whatever genital excitation does occur is repressed below the level of conscious perception
Polina Girginovaцитирапреди 5 години
We have seen that the ego swing is securely anchored at both ends of its trajectory: genital function and realistic thinking
Polina Girginovaцитирапреди 5 години
to reality is manifested in their genital function
Polina Girginovaцитирапреди 5 години
It is our basic postulate that the genital function expresses the reality principle, and we have attempted to show that any individual’s character attitude
Polina Girginovaцитирапреди 5 години
Would you expect to find frigidity associated with a high energy level in the organism? Strange as it may seem such was my experience. Where
Polina Girginovaцитирапреди 5 години
She will be unaware of these, of course, since she has no genital sensation