Hollywood Power Plays dissects the high-stakes world of the film and television industry, revealing the intricate power dynamics that dictate which stories make it to the screen. It explores the strategies used by film executives, producers, and studios in deal-making, illustrating how these power plays influence the content we consume. The book uniquely emphasizes the role of legal agreements and contracts in shaping creative outcomes, showing how legal language can be a tool for control.
The book traces the historical evolution of studio power, from the Golden Age of Hollywood to the dominance of streaming services, highlighting shifts in influence among studio heads, talent agencies, and tech giants. It argues that the pursuit and maintenance of power, defined by control over resources, talent, and distribution, drives decisions in the entertainment industry.
Through case studies of blockbuster franchises, independent film production, and digital disruption, Hollywood Power Plays progresses through the key concepts, ultimately examining the ethical implications of these power dynamics, including issues of fair compensation and representation.