he seems suddenly very different: flawed, full of human faults, and wrestling with demons I never even noticed, though his struggle was written, quite literally, upon the wall.
Lola Lobaцитирапреди 7 години
to be honest in London no one would care if you breastfed a cat
Lola Lobaцитирапреди 7 години
Why didn’t I realise that a lie can outlast any truth
Lola Lobaцитирапреди 7 години
I won’t live like this, suspected of something I haven’t done, forced to deny infidelities that exist only in his mind.
Lola Lobaцитирапреди 7 години
I’ve had jealous boyfriends in the past, and they’re poison – poison to the relationship, and poison to your self-esteem.
Lola Lobaцитирапреди 7 години
He knows that something is wrong, and that I am covering it up. He just doesn’t know what it is.
Lola Lobaцитирапреди 7 години
Even though the tears are coursing down my face, and my heart is close to breaking. I keep walking.
Lola Lobaцитирапреди 7 години
His face twists as he drops his hand. ‘Liar
Lola Lobaцитирапреди 7 години
But I don’t answer. I can’t answer. Because if I do, I will say something that might damage my relationship beyond recovery. The truth.
Lola Lobaцитирапреди 7 години
There’s nothing like being in the wrong to make you fight back.