Suddenly the future existed; it would turn me into another being, someone who would still be, and yet no longer seem, myself.
Táliaцитирапреди 3 години
There was no longer any God to love me, but I should have the undying love of millions of hearts. By writing a work based on my own experience I would re-create myself and justify my existence. At the same time I would be serving humanity: What more beautiful gift could I make it than the books I would write?
Táliaцитирапреди 3 години
It was an excuse to peruse old journals and letters, to go back to the library and look at newspapers from her childhood, to reread the books that had influenced her as a girl, to swap memories with her sister, and her childhood friends.
Táliaцитирапреди 3 години
Sartre reminded her that the most deeply personal writing was also the most universal.
Táliaцитирапреди 3 години
Suddenly the future existed; it would turn me into another being, someone who would still be, and yet no longer seem, myself.
Táliaцитирапреди 3 години
was never attracted to paradises flowing with milk and honey, but I envied Hansel and Gretel their gingerbread house: if only the universe we inhabit were completely edible, I used to think, what power we would have over it!