Because the organs and systems in a fetus are not able to metabolize and excrete caffeine fully, caffeine can stay in its blood 10 times longer than in an adult. Because of this, physicians advise that pregnant women drink a moderate (less than 200 milligrams) amount coffee per day.
Novem MWцитирапреди 5 години
produce enough beans to make one cup of coffee requires 37 gallons of water. By comparison, an apple takes 19 gallons, a banana 27, and a pair of leather shoes 4,400 gallons.
Novem MWцитирапреди 5 години
Studies show that men who drink six or more cups of coffee daily decrease their risk of developing prostate cancer by 20 per cent.
Novem MWцитирапреди 5 години
Coffee is actually a fruit.
Novem MWцитирапреди 5 години
The word “coffee” comes from the Arabic for “wine of the bean”.
Novem MWцитирапреди 5 години
Most of us don’t know that coffee was originally a food and not a drink.
Novem MWцитирапреди 5 години
There are two types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta.Seventy percent of the world consumes Arabica coffee, which is mild and aromatic. The remaining drinks Robusta, which is more bitter- tasting but has twice as much caffeine.
Novem MWцитирапреди 5 години
Do you know that water and coffee in order are the two most popular beverages on Earth.
Novem MWцитирапреди 5 години
Milk weakens the effects of caffeine.
Novem MWцитирапреди 5 години
Coffee would be lethal if you take around 100 cups of coffee as it would take that much coffee for a lethal dose of caffeine.