"Now, listen," said Mother; "it's quite true that we're poor, but we have enough to live on. You mustn't go telling everyone about our affairs—it's not right.
New Neverlanderцитирапреди 2 години
we've got to play at being Poor for a bit, my chickabiddy
New Neverlanderцитирапреди 2 години
No, I don't mean what you mean. I mean it's just a—what is it Father calls it?—a germ of endearment!
New Neverlanderцитирапреди 2 години
An Englishman's house is his castle, of course, but I do wish they built semi-detached villas with moats and drawbridges."
New Neverlanderцитирапреди 2 години
Who on earth!" said Father. "An Englishman's house is his castle, of course, but I do wish they built semi-de
New Neverlanderцитирапреди 2 години
The unselfishness was Mother's idea—but it was Peter who carried it out. And needed a good deal of patience, too.
New Neverlanderцитирапреди 2 години
Peter, with heroic unselfishness, did not say anything about his Engine till after Father had had his dinner
New Neverlanderцитирапреди 2 години
He said that his eyes were red because he had a cold. This turned out to be true, though Peter did not know it was when he said it,
New Neverlanderцитирапреди 2 години
The others said he cried over it—but of course boys of ten do not cry, however terrible the tragedies may be which darken their lot.
New Neverlanderцитирапреди 2 години
The other presents were full of charm, but the Engine was fuller of charm than any of the others were.